Remove Screen Printing From Shirt: Tips And Techniques

remove screen printing from shirt

Screen printing is a fantastic method for creating custom shirts, but what if you’ve remove screen printing from shirt design, or your favorite shirt has seen better days, and you want to remove screen printing from shirt? Whether it’s an old design you’ve outgrown or an unfortunate printing mishap, there are ways to remove screen printing from shirt. 

In this article, we’ll explore various methods and techniques to help you restore your T-shirt to its blank canvas or repurpose it with a new design.

Some Tips Remove Screen Printing From Shirt

Nail Polish Remover or Acetone

remove screen printing from shirt

One of the easiest and most accessible methods to remove screen printing from shirt involves using nail polish remover or acetone. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Apply a small amount of nail polish remover or acetone to a cotton ball.
  • Gently rub the cotton ball over the printed area in a circular motion.
  • Continue rubbing until the print starts to lift and peel away.
  • Rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water to remove any residue.

Nail polish remover or acetone is a readily available and effective solution to remove screen printing from shirt. This method is particularly useful when dealing with small or localized print areas. To use nail polish remover or acetone, start by applying a small amount of the product onto a cotton ball. 

Gently rub the cotton ball over the printed area in a circular motion. As you continue rubbing, you’ll notice the screen print starting to lift and peel away from the fabric. Be patient and persistent in this process. Once you’ve successfully removed the print, rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water to eliminate any residue.

It’s important to exercise caution when using nail polish remover or acetone, especially on colored or delicate fabrics, as it can sometimes affect the fabric’s color or texture. Performing a spot test on an inconspicuous area of the shirt is advisable to ensure compatibility. 

When handled carefully and with the right precautions, nail polish remover or acetone can be a quick and accessible solution for those looking to remove screen printing from shirts.

Plastisol Remover

If you’re dealing with a plastisol-based screen print, a plastisol remover is your best bet. Follow these steps:

  • Apply the plastisol remover to the printed area, ensuring it covers the entire design.
  • Allow the remover to sit for the recommended time (usually a few minutes).
  • Use a sponge or scrubbing brush to gently scrub the print.
  • Rinse the shirt with cold water to remove screen printing from shirt or any remaining remover and ink residue.

Plastisol remover is a specialized solution designed specifically for the removal of plastisol-based screen printing ink from fabrics. This method is highly effective when dealing with screen prints that use plastisol ink, which is known for its durability and resistance to traditional removal methods.

To use plastisol remover, you’ll want to start by applying the product generously to the printed area, ensuring it covers the entire design. Allow the remover to sit for the recommended time, usually just a few minutes, to break down the ink’s bond with the fabric.

After the waiting period, use a sponge or scrubbing brush to gently scrub the printed area. This action helps to loosen the ink and make it easier to lift from the fabric. Finally, rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water to remove screen printing from shirt or any remaining remover and ink residue.

One of the advantages of plastisol remover is its targeted effectiveness, which means it can remove the ink without affecting the surrounding fabric. However, it’s always wise to test the product on a small, inconspicuous area of the shirt first to ensure it won’t damage the fabric or alter its color. 

Plastisol remover is an essential tool for those looking to remove screen printing from shirt with plastisol ink, offering a reliable and efficient solution to reclaim or repurpose their garments.

Spot Removal Fluid

Spot removal fluid is a handy product for targeted print removal. Here’s how to use it:

  • Apply a small amount of spot removal fluid directly to the screen print.
  • Gently blot the area with a clean cloth, working from the outside of the print toward the center.
  • Rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water.

Spot removal fluid is a handy and versatile product used for targeted ink removal in various applications, including screen printing. When it comes to removing screen printing from a shirt, spot removal fluid can be a valuable tool. This method is particularly useful for smaller or isolated areas with unwanted prints or ink stains. 

To use spot removal fluid effectively, start by applying a small amount of the product directly onto the screen print you wish to remove. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the application and wait time, as these can vary depending on the product.

Once applied, gently blot the area with a clean cloth, working from the outside of the print toward the center. This action helps lift the ink from the fabric’s fibers. After treating the print, rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water to remove screen printing from shirt or any remaining spot removal fluid and ink residue.

While spot removal fluid can be a handy tool for precise ink removal, it’s essential to exercise caution and test the product on an inconspicuous area of the shirt before applying it to the target print. 

This precaution ensures that the spot removal fluid won’t damage the fabric or cause any unintended color changes. Spot removal fluid is a valuable asset for those seeking to remove unwanted screen printing or ink stains from their clothing, offering a targeted and effective solution for restoring the garment’s appearance.

Sugar Scrub

remove screen printing from shirt

If you prefer a more natural approach, a sugar scrub can help lift screen printing ink. Follow these steps:

  • Mix equal parts sugar and water to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the printed area.
  • Gently scrub the area with a soft cloth or an old toothbrush in a circular motion.
  • Rinse the shirt with cold water.

A sugar scrub is a natural and gentle method to remove screen printing from shirt, making it a popular choice for those who prefer more eco-friendly and DIY approaches. This method is particularly suitable for smaller designs or less stubborn prints. To use a sugar scrub, you can create a paste by mixing equal parts sugar and water. Apply the paste directly onto the printed area of the shirt.

Once the paste is applied, use a soft cloth or an old toothbrush to gently scrub the area in a circular motion. The abrasive nature of sugar helps lift the ink from the fabric’s fibers without causing damage. After scrubbing, rinse the shirt thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining sugar residue and ink particles.

While sugar scrubbing is a more natural approach, it may require a bit more patience and elbow grease compared to some chemical-based methods. It’s also essential to note that this method may not be as effective on large or deeply embedded prints. 

However, for those looking for an environmentally friendly and affordable option to remove screen printing from shirt, a sugar scrub can be a valuable tool in their arsenal.

Fade with Washing

Another method to remove screen printing from shirt is to let it fade naturally over time through washing and wear. Here’s how:

  • Wash the shirt in cold water and avoid using bleach.
  • Dry the shirt on a low heat setting or air dry.
  • Repeat the washing and drying process several times, and the print will gradually fade.

Fading screen printing with repeated washing is a passive and gradual method to remove screen printing from shirt or reduce the visibility of a print on a shirt. This approach is best suited for those who are not in a hurry to remove the print entirely but would rather let it fade over time. To begin, wash the shirt in cold water, avoiding the use of bleach, as bleach may damage the fabric and alter the surrounding colors.

After washing, dry the shirt using a low heat setting in your dryer or, for a more natural approach, allow it to air dry. It’s important to avoid using high heat, as this can set the ink into the fabric, making it more challenging to fade.

Repeat the washing and drying process several times, and you’ll notice that the screen print gradually loses its vibrancy and starts to fade. This method is excellent for those who don’t want to use chemicals or abrasive techniques and are willing to be patient while the print naturally diminishes with each wash cycle.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of this method depends on various factors, including the type of ink used and the fabric’s quality. Some prints may fade more quickly than others, while others may remain visible for an extended period. 

While fading with washing may not completely remove screen printing from shirt, it offers a non-invasive and gentle way to reduce its appearance over time, giving your shirt a more worn-in and vintage look.

Use Heat to Lift the Print

remove screen printing from shirt

If the screen printing from shirt is particularly stubborn, you can use heat to lift the print. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Place a piece of parchment paper over the printed area.
  • Use a clothes iron set to a medium-high heat setting (without steam).
  • Iron over the parchment paper for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Carefully peel the parchment paper away from the shirt while the print is still warm.
  • The heat should soften the ink, allowing you to peel it off more easily.

Using heat to lift a screen print from a shirt is an effective method, especially when dealing with stubborn or plastisol-based inks. This technique involves the application of heat to soften the ink, making it easier to peel away. To start, place a piece of parchment paper over the printed area of the shirt, ensuring that it completely covers the print.

Next, use a clothes iron set to a medium-high heat setting (without steam) and carefully iron over the parchment paper for about 10-15 seconds. The heat from the iron will penetrate the parchment paper and soften the ink beneath it. After ironing, immediately peel the parchment paper away from the shirt while the print is still warm and pliable.

The heat effectively loosens the ink’s bond with the fabric, allowing you to peel it off more easily. This method is particularly useful for removing large designs or prints that cover a significant portion of the shirt. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and avoid overheating the fabric, which can lead to scorching or damage.

By using heat to lift the print, you can achieve remarkable results without the use of chemicals or abrasive techniques. This approach is suitable for various ink types and fabric materials, making it a versatile option for those seeking an efficient and straightforward method to remove screen printing from shirts.


How do you remove a logo from a shirt?

To remove a logo or screen print from a shirt, you can use various methods such as nail polish remover or acetone, plastisol remover, spot removal fluid, a sugar scrub, or fading with repeated washing. The method you choose depends on the type of ink used and the fabric of the shirt. Be sure to test any product or technique on a small, inconspicuous area of the shirt first to avoid damaging the fabric.

How do you remove print marks from a shirt?

Print marks or ink stains on a shirt can be removed using spot removal fluid, a sugar scrub, or by fading with repeated washing. Spot removal fluid is ideal for targeted stain removal, while a sugar scrub is a natural and gentle option. Fading with washing involves washing the shirt in cold water multiple times to gradually reduce the visibility of print marks.

How do you remove printed ink from a shirt?

To remove printed ink from a shirt, you can use methods like nail polish remover or acetone, plastisol remover, spot removal fluid, a sugar scrub, or fading with repeated washing. The choice of method depends on the type of ink and fabric, and it’s important to follow the appropriate steps for each technique.

Can you remove the print from a hoodie?

Yes, you can remove a print from a hoodie using the same methods mentioned for removing prints from shirts. Whether it’s a hoodie, T-shirt, or any other garment, the removal process largely depends on the type of ink and fabric. Be cautious and test any removal method on an inconspicuous area of the hoodie to avoid damaging the fabric or altering its appearance.

Are there professional services available to remove prints from clothing?

Yes, there are professional services, such as garment refinishing or screen printing removal services, that can assist in removing prints from clothing. These services often use specialized equipment and techniques to ensure the best results while minimizing the risk of damaging the fabric. If you’re unsure about removing a print yourself or dealing with a valuable garment, seeking professional assistance may be a wise choice.


In conclusion, removing screen printing or unwanted prints from clothing is possible using various methods, ranging from DIY techniques like nail polish remover or acetone, plastisol remover, and sugar scrub, to more gradual methods such as fading with repeated washing. With the right approach, you can give your clothing a fresh start or repurpose it with a new design, extending the life of your favorite pieces.

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